Grievance Redressal Policy

The Grievance Redressal policy follows the following principles:
Employees are treated fairly.
Employees raised by complaints are dealt with courtesy and in a timely manner.
Employees are informed of avenues to escalate their complaints within the organization, and their rights if they are not satisfied with the resolution of their complaints.
The employees work in good faith and without prejudice, towards the interests of the employer.


IBRISK CONSULTANCY SERVICES is committed to providing a fair and transparent process for employees to raise and resolve grievances, ensuring a positive and productive work environment.


  - IBRISK CONSULTANCY SERVICES encourages open communication and prompt resolution of grievances.
  - Employees can raise grievances without fear of retaliation.


  1. Raising a Grievance:
    - Employees should first attempt to resolve the issue with their immediate supervisor or HR.
    - If unresolved, employees can submit a written grievance to the designated GRO Committee.
  2. GRO Committee:
    - The committee will review, investigate, and respond to grievances within 7 working days.
    - The committee may request additional information or evidence.
  3. Resolution:
    - The committee will provide a written response with a resolution or recommendation.
    - If the grievant is dissatisfied, they can appeal to the next level of management.
    - All grievances, investigations, and resolutions will be documented and maintained confidentially.
    - This policy will be reviewed and revised as necessary.
    - All employees will acknowledge receipt and understanding of this policy.


Grievance Redressal Officer – Mrs.V.Rajeswari
Tel No – 9363861870
No.2, 1 st Floor, 2 nd Main Road United India Colony Kodambakkam Chennai – 600024
The Grievance Redressal Officer may be reached on the number provided above anytime
between 09 AM to 7 PM from Monday to Saturday or through the e-mail address above.
The Grievance Redressal Officer shall endeavour to resolve the grievance within a period of 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of a grievance.